Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Freebees with a lap top

This is a story from Muscat
One internationally famous retailer offers freebees along with a lap top.
Free mouse
Free 2GB flash drive
Free MP3 player.
A buyer discovers that the MP3 player has few prerecorded songs, there is no way one could delete them, or add anything to the play list. Not happy with that, but cant complain.
The mouse has some wire on a wheel like part, but no way one can pull it out. Short wire, restricts the movement of mouse.
Tried to use the flash drive, but the operating system warns user to stop intalling .
The buyer, let us call him Subbu, drives 40 kms to lodge a complaint. The sales persons are smart. After all " this was free, so please don't look into gift horse's mouth " was the attitude.
Subbu was not satisfied. "Why dont you look up the web and send an email" was the solution offered.
One would not think that such is the policy of Carrefour, but just bad sales people!
Whether it is Carrefour, Lulu, Sultan Centre or Fairtrade, you all should have better way of dealing with customers.

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